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After two decades in the digital world, working for brands like Southern Living, Sunset, Coastal Living, DIY Network and HGTV, I have seen vendors across a wide spectrum. Sometimes a group truly stands out. And that's Forward March. First and foremost, Laurie and her team are talented professionals with a get-it-done-right work ethic. But they're also much, much more. Just looking to check a box? Fine, go hire whomever. But if you want a creative partnership -- a team who can bring out your best, and if needed, even save you from yourself -- then call on Forward March.

Garrett Lane
Content Strategist, Brand Builder and Digital Media Executive
Forward March has consistently exceeded my expectations with the creativity they bring to projects and their organization when executing them. When working with Forward March I’m often struck with an innate sense that I am taking advantage of them. I get the benefits of Laurie’s on camera talents as a Designer, Remodeler, and Social Influencer, in addition to her completely agile and creative production company. Secretly I hope she doesn’t realize they are providing two services for the price of one, but I quickly recover from any sense of guilt and simply enjoy the privilege of working with them.

Brent Graber
Executive Producer, Branded Entertainment
Scripps Networks